... und hier was die Buchbesprechungen sagen:
"… outstandingly impressive, a gorgeous volume of images …"
"… it is not only the location that counts, but the sheer enjoyment of sitting quietly and feeling peace that exudes from ‘being there’, a vicarious pleasure transmitted by the images …"
(C. Howes für Descent)
"… Neuseeland ist an sich schon spektakulär, aber die eigenwilligen ästhetischen Formen der Karstlandschaften und unterirdischen Welten gewinnen in den sensationell guten Fotografien noch einmal hinzu …"
"… Der Band besticht gerade auch durch die Komposition der Bilder, deren Ästhetik und Formenspiel einander ergänzen, sich erweitern, Assoziationen wecken und immer wieder Überraschungen mit sich bringen …"
(M. López Correa für VDHK Mitteilungen)
"… stunning landscape images, that really capture the ecological diversity of New Zealand and how these landscapes influence the structure of the resulting caves that form …"
"… Max has a reputation for being one of the best cave photographers in the world, and this book shows how he has earned that reputation …"
(H. Barton für NSS News)
"… all of the photographs are first-class …"
"… certainly one of the cave books you should have …"
(R. Ellis für Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society)
"… Vor mir liegt ein dickes Buch – ein Bilderbuch. Aber was für eines! …"
(B. Wielander für Die Höhle)
"… Here, the mastery of Max's photography is demonstrated …"
"… The entire concept of the book is based on a simple form, upgraded with an excellent design, a good selection of typography and, last but not least, artfully placed photographs that round up the whole of each chapter. The final touch to the overall impression is given by superb print with a beautiful reproduction of colours …"
(P. Gedei für Acta Carsologica)